Customizing logos/Header image in TIBCO Collaborator Desktop for BWC5.5.1
Article ID: KB0092041
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator
Not Applicable
Resolution: In BWC 5.5.1, customization steps [ Chapter 7 Customizing the Collaborator Desktop Interface : Replacing Layout Images > Customizing Logos ] for changing the logos/ Header image have been changed from its previous versions. Instead of modifying the layout templates, engineering has introduced the "<!-- skins templates --> section in tibco_service_config.xml" (located under \tibco\bwc\5.5\bui\archive\WEB-INF folder) to avoid multiple files changes. This change is not yet documented in BWC 5.5.1.
With BWC 5.5.1, we only need to modify "tibco_service_config.xml" file and not any template files. For eg: To change the tibco logo to some other custom image, we have to change the ‘name’ and ‘ContentURI’ attributes in the following XML tag