Creatin a unique_identifier for TIBCO BusinessEvents Database Concepts (DBConcepts) on a SQL Server database.
Article ID: KB0088844
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: =========== How to create n unique_identifier for TIBCO BusinessEvents Database Concepts (DBConcepts) on a SQL Server database.
Environment: =========== TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.x All Operating Systems
Resolution: =========
1). Create a stored procedure to build a unique sequence.
Example.: ------------------------------------------------ set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[MySequence2] @Sequence uniqueidentifier=null OUT AS Set @Sequence=newid() ------------------------------------------------
2). Create an XML file with the extension .sequences.xml and configure it as shown below. Add a unique_identifier element for each database concept that will acquire a primary key value using this mechanism.
XML sample file: ------------------------------------------------ <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>