What steps need to be followed when using JConsole for monitoring memory usage of BW (TIBCO BusinessWorks)?
Article ID: KB0087949
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: You can use JConsole for monitoring memory usage within the Java heap, as well as other information about a running application.
1). Append the following properties to the deployed application.tra file present at the following location: <tibco_home>\tra\domain\<domain_name>\application\<app_name>\
2). Restart the BW application in admin. Note:Add properties into your deployed application tra file and not the bwengine.tra file.
3). Run JConsole on a machine that has the SUN JDK installed (IBM JDK does not have JConsole). It is located in the bin directory. IP or Host: <IP_Adress or host_name> Port: 50050