Operations that can alter the modification time of the acl.conf.
Article ID: KB0088476
Updated On:
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: = = = = = = Operations that can alter the modification time of the acl.conf.
Environment: = = = = = = = ALL
Resolution: = = = = = =
We would only expect the acl.conf file to be modified when the permission for topics/queues are changed either via the tibemsadmin tool using grant/revoke commands, by EMS APIs, or by manually editing the acl.conf file. Other than that, the permissions and modifications time of the acl.conf file should not change.
If file content, time or permission change is noticed and it cannot be determined how that happened, the user will need to enable the EMS server log with: log_trace=DEFAULT,+CONNECT
This should log all activities and produce an audit trail of how files are being modified. If the trace does not reveal anything, there is a possibility that someone is manually editing the file.
Operations that can alter the modification time of the acl.conf.