How to get the components like Hawk display, Hawk event service from TIBCO Hawk 4.7.0 after install TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.5.4?

How to get the components like Hawk display, Hawk event service from TIBCO Hawk 4.7.0 after install TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.5.4?


Article ID: KB0087790


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Hawk -
Not Applicable -


The TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.5.4 bundled TIBCO Hawk But the version for standalone TIBCO Hawk of 4.7.0 is So right after installation of TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.5.4, there is no way to installation Standalone TIBCO Hawk 4.7.0 since installer does not allow the downgrade.

TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.5.4
TIBCO Hawk 4.7.0

1.    Please install TIBCO Hawk standalone 4.7.0 first and TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.5.4.
2.    You don’t need to install TIBCO Hawk 4.7.0 standalone on every machine to get the Hawk display. You can install on one machine and use the Hawk display on this machine to monitor Hawk agent on other machine.
3.    For UNIX/LINUX only, you can install standalone Hawk 4.7.0 with different user and use that.
4.    For UNIX/LINUX only, you can copy the standalone Hawk 4.7.0 installation folder from other place to get the standalone version. But since we fixed some thing in the bundled version of Hawk 4.7.0, please don’t replace these files if you encountered conflict.


How to get the components like Hawk display, Hawk event service from TIBCO Hawk 4.7.0 after install TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.5.4?