Send SOAP request from TIBCO BusinessEvents to an external webservice.
Article ID: KB0087784
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: ============ This solution explains how to use TIBCO BusinessEvents as a SOAP client to call an external webservice.
Environment: ==========
All supported Operating Systems of TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 including all the hotfixes
Cause: =====
TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 does not have out of the box support for SOAP/WSDL.
Resolution: =========
Since TIBCO BusinessEvents events onto JMS destinations are nothing but JMS messages, if you send these events/JMS messages with SOAP envelope schema (with webservice input message embedded in the body) as event payload then it would be represented as a SOAP request at the webservice end. Find the attached (BE acting as a SOAP client) and (Webservice implemented with BW). - It’s a BW project which has a webservice that implements the below operation/function.
It takes the author and looks up the books for the author in a XML file (BookStore.xml) and sends out the books information in the reply. Copy this Books.xml to C:\temp if you want to run this example. - Is a TIBCO BusinessEvents project which has a start up function that sends a SOAP request to the above BW webservice. Since TIBCO BusinessEvents cannot send request-reply event, It has another event/destination to capture the webservice response and fires a rule that prints out the response. Note that TIBCO BusinessEvents does not support HTTP destination so you cannot do a SOAP over HTTP.
Send SOAP request from TIBCO BusinessEvents to an external webservice.
Send SOAP request from TIBCO BusinessEvents to an external webservice.
Send SOAP request from TIBCO BusinessEvents to an external webservice.