How to find out when a case was closed without directly accessing the Audit Trail table.

How to find out when a case was closed without directly accessing the Audit Trail table.


Article ID: KB0088658


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) -
Not Applicable -


There may be a requirement to generate a list of closed cases in order to establish which cases may be purged from the TIBCO iProcess Engine database. Large systems can have an AUDIT_TRAIL table that contains hundreds of millions of rows. Avoiding accessing to the AUDIT_TRAIL table would be prefered.

   o All supported TIBCO iProcess Engines

The TIBCO iProcess Engine contains the utility "plist" that allows the listing of various tables within the database to display information in a user friendly format.

To list cases of a procedure use the command:

SWDIR/util/plist -c Proc_name


SWDIR = the installation directory of the TIBCO iProcess Engine
Proc_name = the procedure name

The command will list the cases for the specified procedure. For example:

# /swserver/util/plist -c TEST03
CNum  CID   Sts  Case Description         Starter            yyyy/ddd hh:mm
222   222   LIVE test01                   swadmin@nod105ch
322   322   LIVE test 02                  swadmin@nod105ch
372   372   LIVE test 03                  swadmin@nod105ch
474   474   DEAD Case Close 01            swadmin@nod105ch  2009/127 11:50
574   574   DEAD Case Close 02            swadmin@nod105ch  2009/127 11:53
674   674   LIVE Case Close 03            swadmin@nod105ch
724   724   LIVE Close Case 04            swadmin@nod105ch
774   774   DEAD Close Case 05            swadmin@nod105ch  2009/127 12:13

This shows all cases where active cases are listed as "LIVE" in the Sts column and closed cases are listed as "DEAD" in the Sts column.

The date is in a format that requires conversion. The date is effectively the day number of the year. The cases above were closed on day 127 of 2009 which equates to 5th July 2009.

The time is the time the case was closed.

Depending on how procedures have been defined consider using, plist -C proc_name, as this will include sub procedure information.


How to find out when a case was closed without directly accessing the Audit Trail table.