Integrating TIBCO Forms 2.0.x with GI applications

Integrating TIBCO Forms 2.0.x with GI applications


Article ID: KB0088724


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Forms developed with TIBCO Forms are typically associated with a user task of a business process and used in the context of TIBCO iProcess Workspace Browser or TIBCO iProcess Workspace Browser components to capture and/or display the user data. However, at times there is a need to generate customized user interfaces for user tasks that run outside the context of TIBCO iProcess Workspace Browser or to display data that is coming from external data channels, like TIBCO BusinessWorks web services along with BPM data. The attached Technical Note describes an approach to instantiating and launching TIBCO Forms applications from a standalone General Interface application.


1. The usage specified in this document is supported only in the context of using TIBCO iProcess suite of software, for example, for collecting data to start a business process or displaying external data referenced by the business process. This interface should not be used in any other context.

2. The interface described in this Tech Note applies only to the use of TIBCO Forms 2.0. The interface will change in later versions of TIBCO Forms. Any applications using TIBCO Forms in this way will have to be updated to conform to the new interface.


Integrating TIBCO Forms 2.0.x with GI applications


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