After configure the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) plugin for TIBCO Hawk, invoke any method will not return.
Article ID: KB0088713
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Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: This kind of error happens when upgrade the EMS to 5.x.
Environment: All
Symptoms: Invoke any method for hawk_controller, there is no return on TIBCO Hawk display. If invoke from TIBCO Administrator GUI, there is an exception returned: COM.TIBCO.hawk.talon.MicroAgentException at COM.TIBCO.hawk.agent.maloader.MAWrapper$
Cause: This is because the previous EMS plugin is not compatible with EMS server 5.x. The Hawk plugin folder could contain a previous plugin jar. Also, under the <tra>/<version>/lib, there is a TIBCOjms.jar also contains a previous plugin jar.
Resolution: 1. Check the <hawk>/<plugin>/ folder to see if there is a tibjmsadmin.jar from previous version. If yes, replace the one from <ems>/lib. 2. For TRA Hawk agent, we must make sure the new version of tibjmsadmin.jar is loaded before the TIBCOjms.jar. So we need edit the <tra>/domain/<domain>/hawkagent_<domain>.tra for the parameter tibco.class.path.extended. Add the <ems>/lib/tibjmsadmin.jar as the first one in the classpath to make sure the hawkagent will always use the latest jar file.
After configure the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) plugin for TIBCO Hawk, invoke any method will not return.