With BC 5.3, the following error occurs when creatinga BC instance: java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: Password is not ASCII

With BC 5.3, the following error occurs when creatinga BC instance: java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: Password is not ASCII


Article ID: KB0086055


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect -
Not Applicable -


With BC 5.3, the following error occurs when creating BC instance: java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: Password is not ASCII

BC 5.3
JRE 1.6
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and Microsoft JDBC driver.

The Microsoft-branded SQL Server driver always uses SSL connections to handle the login information to Microsoft SQL Server databases.  The embedded TIBCrypt library has a conflict with the Microsoft-branded driver.

To resolve this issue, TRA 5.6.2 adds a new property which must be added to the Administrator.tra file and the bcengine.tra file


The following property should be commented out, if present in the tra:

# java.property.TIBCO_SECURITY_VENDOR=j2se

NOTE:  If you have deployed the Administrator as a NT service on a Windows machine prior to making these changes in the Adminstrator.tra file, you must modify the Windows registry under this key value:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TIBCOAdmin-&ltdomain name>\Parameters

Add the string "java.property.com.tibco.security.EntrustLast" and set it to "true", and delete the string "java.property.TIBCO_SECURITY_VENDOR".

Failure to do so will cause the Administrator to display the same error described above even with the modifications to the Administrator.tra file.


With BC 5.3, the following error occurs when creatinga BC instance: java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: Password is not ASCII