With BC 5.3, the following error occurs when creatinga BC instance: java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: Password is not ASCII
Article ID: KB0086055
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessConnect
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: -------------- With BC 5.3, the following error occurs when creating BC instance: java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: Password is not ASCII
Environment: -------------- BC 5.3 JRE 1.6 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and Microsoft JDBC driver.
Resolution: ------------- The Microsoft-branded SQL Server driver always uses SSL connections to handle the login information to Microsoft SQL Server databases. The embedded TIBCrypt library has a conflict with the Microsoft-branded driver.
To resolve this issue, TRA 5.6.2 adds a new property which must be added to the Administrator.tra file and the bcengine.tra file
The following property should be commented out, if present in the tra:
# java.property.TIBCO_SECURITY_VENDOR=j2se
NOTE: If you have deployed the Administrator as a NT service on a Windows machine prior to making these changes in the Adminstrator.tra file, you must modify the Windows registry under this key value: