How to run Sample perl Script to modify tibco.appname in batch?

How to run Sample perl Script to modify tibco.appname in batch?


Article ID: KB0085765


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Websphere MQ -
Not Applicable -


When running MQSeries Adapter 5.x project on 6.x runtime environment, it should change the tibco.appName to MQSeries in <$TIBCO_HOME>/tra/domain/&ltDOMAIN_NAME>/application/&ltApplication_Name>/&ltInstance_Name>.tra.  This Perl script is used to modify the appname in batch.

How to use this Perl script?
(1).     Open the attached Perl script (, and change the $AppHome to your current deployed application home. Such as: &ltTIBCO_HOME>/tra/domain/&ltdomain_name>/application.

(2).     Run the Perl script.
Command in console:      &ltPerl Path> Convert

The script logic is that it will find each tra file in $AppHome, and open each tra file. In each tra file is included the dat files' path which is:


The script will open these dat files and use the “WebSpere” key word to search these dat files. If found, These dat files will be considered as a 6.x project, otherwise as a 5.x project and the appname will needed to be updated.

(3).     Open the TIBCO Administrator and run all projects.

If Yes, run the following command to clear the backup file.
&ltPerl Path> Delete

If No, run the following command to recovery the original file.
&ltPerl Path> Recovery


How to run Sample perl Script to modify tibco.appname in batch?


How to run Sample perl Script to modify tibco.appname in batch? get_app