Article ID: KB0085238
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There is no official performance bench mark data to compare between versions as it depends upon the environment and resources. A performance test needs to be run in order to measure performance differences in each specific environment.
TIBCO Rendezvous® (RV) version 8.x performance is not supposed to be degraded compared to that of RV 7.x. In fact, RV 8.x should perform better as RV 8.x can use the 16MB UDP buffers where RV 7.x uses 1MB UDP buffers. In RV 8, the UDP buffer memory algorithm in the RVD is updated to run at the system maximum (up to 16 MB) rather than the 1 MB limit it had in version 7.5 and earlier. To be more specific, the algorithm uses the OS default and 16MB as the range in which to “search” for the maximum supported value. If 16MB is a valid value it will use 16MB, hence the algorithm is not guaranteed to give you the OS maximum.
We also introduced following two new components, which are part of RV 8.x release:
1). Rendezvous daemon manager (RVDM) which lets administrators coordinate and manage the behavior of Rendezvous daemons throughout an enterprise.
2). Rendezvous In-Process Module is a linkable library that puts the core functionality of a Rendezvous daemon (rvd) inside an application program process. By eliminating inter-process communication between the daemon and the application program, the Rendezvous In-Process Module can improve application data latency performance.
In some business situations, even latency measured in very small units can make a crucial difference. In a normal Rendezvous operation, application programs communicate with a daemon process using TCP connections. Eliminating this inter-process communication link and the context switch between processes can reduce latency. However, the potential cost can be reduced throughput. Rendezvous In-Process Module is a tactical tool for reducing latency.
Further details can be found in RV 8.x and In-Process Module (separate product) documentation.
The best way to determine the differences of performance and the optimal performance of each product is to use the performance assessment tools that ships with each product. With rvperf, you can simulate message size, message rate, RVCM, Point-to-Point, multicast, etc. For RV the tools available are rvperfm/rvperfs. The rvperf software helps you maximize network throughput of TIBCO Rendezvous messages. This performance assessment tool is located in the <TIBRV_INSTALL>/bin subdirectory. A test can be run (simulating the specific environment) using rvperfm/rvperfs, specifying a fixed message size, batch size and interval. This will produce a result indicating the amount of messages sent per second. At the end of each complete run, rvperfm and rvperfs reports the number of advisories they received during the run.
Further details can be found in RV Administration manual, Chapter 10: Performance Assessment.
Are there performance differences between TIBCO Rendezvous® (RV) daemons (RVD/RVRD) version 7.x and TIBCO Rendezvous® (RV) daemons version 8.x (RVD/RVRD)?