How to set attribute weighting for the MatchRecord workflow activity and during Text search using webservices

How to set attribute weighting for the MatchRecord workflow activity and during Text search using webservices


Article ID: KB0089220


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TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager -
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How to set attribute weighting for the MatchRecord workflow activity and Text search

TIBCO Product name and version: TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager 8.x.x
Operating System(s): All Operating Systems

The Match Record activity and Text Search Web Services Query is enhanced to support different weightages for each attribute; this allows you to customize the search by emphasizing certain attribute similarities more than others.

However no reference to this is found in the manual, indeed the word "weight" does not appear in the workflow manual or webservices guide.

It is a documentation defect logged with documentation team.

MatchRecord activity:
Attribute weightage is passed along with the attribute name itself.
For example UOM with weight as 0.8 has to be passed as below:
&ltParameter direction="in" name="RecordAttributeName" eval="constant" type="string"&gtuom^0.8</Parameter>

TextSearch via Webservice:
Weight attribute is passed as an attribute of SimpleExpression tag.
For example UOM with weight as 0.8 and value as Case has to searched as below:
&ltSimpleExpression attribute="UOM"weight="0.8"&gtCase</SimpleExpression>

The MatchRecordAttributeList can also be populated from the rulebase in the MatchRecord activity.

If weight not specified (shortdesc here), 1.0 is the default.



How to set attribute weighting for the MatchRecord workflow activity and during Text search using webservices