What are the deployment validation code and their resolutions?

What are the deployment validation code and their resolutions?


Article ID: KB0088952


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator -
Not Applicable -


Below are the validation code with resolutions:

PSVAL-000001:  [%1][%2] Hawk agent for administration domain %3 is not running on machine %4. Please start it. If it is already running then please re-start it.
Role:  errorRole
Resolution:  Start the hawk agent.

PSVAL-000002:  [%1][%2] Error condition validation operation failed.
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000003:  [%1][%2] %3 Servlet engine [name = %4, port = %5] is not running on machine %6. Please start it using the startup script %7.
Role:  errorRole
Resolution:  Start the servlet engine.

PSVAL-000004:  [%1][%2] The TPCL version %3 that was selected while registering the %4 servlet engine [name = %5, port = %6, machine= %7] is not supported. The minimum supported TPCL version is %8. Please re-register the servlet engine with correct TPCL version.
Role:  errorRole

[PSVAL-000005]"[][Validation] This is a warning: The minimum database connections for administration domain POLK_OV3LAB, are set to 0. This value is less than the recommended value of 5. Please increase this value by modifying tibcoadmin.database.minConnections property in <tra-domain>/<domain-name>/AdministrationDomain.properties file on every machine that is added to this administration domain. After changing this value please restart the TIBCO Administrator, Hawk Agent and Servlet Engine. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in deployment failure or runtime issues. If you are seeing this warning while installing the product, then it will be displayed only once."  
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000006:  [%1][%2] This is a warning: The maximum database connections for administration domain %3, are set to %4. This value is less than the recommended value of %5. Please increase this value by modifying tibcoadmin.database.maxConnections property in %6 file on every machine that is added to this administration domain. After changing this value please restart the TIBCO Administrator, Hawk Agent and Servlet Engine. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in deployment failure or runtime issues. If you are seeing this warning while installing the product, then it will be displayed only once.
Role:  errorRole

  [PSVAL-000007]"[][Validation] This is a warning: The minimum database connections for authorization domain AUTH_POLK_OV3LAB, are set to 0. This value is less than the recommended value of 5. Please increase this value by modifying tibcoadmin.database.minConnections property in <tra-domain>/<domain-name>/ AuthorizationDomain.properties file on every machine that is added to the same administration domain. After changing this value please restart the TIBCO Administrator, Hawk Agent and Servlet Engine. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in deployment failure or runtime issues. If you are seeing this warning while installing the product, then it will be displayed only once."  
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000008:  [%1][%2] This is a warning: The maximum database connections for authorization domain %3, are set to %4. This value is less than the recommended value of %5. Please increase this value by modifying tibcoadmin.database.maxConnections property in %6 file on every machine that is added to the same administration domain. After changing this value please restart the TIBCO Administrator, Hawk Agent and Servlet Engine. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in deployment failure or runtime issues. If you are seeing this warning while installing the product, then it will be displayed only once.
Role:  errorRole

[PSVAL-000009]"[][Validation] This is a warning: The minimum database connections for application domain bwwf_app_domain, are set to 0. This value is less than the recommended value of 5. Please increase this value through TIBCO Administrator UI. After changing this value please restart the Hawk Agent and Servlet Engine. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in deployment failure or runtime issues. If you are seeing this warning while installing the product, then it will be displayed only once.
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000010:  [%1][%2] This is a warning: The maximum database connections for application domain %3, are set to %4. This value is less than the recommended value of %5. Please increase this value through TIBCO Administrator UI. After changing this value please restart the Hawk Agent and Servlet Engine. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in deployment failure or runtime issues. If you are seeing this warning while installing the product, then it will be displayed only once.
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000011:  [%1][%2] Service Name "%3" defined for service configuration %4 in application %5 is already used by the service configuration %6 in application %7. If you are seeing this error while installing the product, then rename the Service Name defined under the Advanced tab of service configuration %8 in application %9 and re-deploy it. If you are seeing this error in TIBCO Administrator UI, then simply rename the Service Name under the Advanced tab of service configuration %10 in application %11.
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000012:  [%1][%2] Service context root %3 configured for service configuration %4 in application %5 is already used by the service configuration %6 in application %7. If you are seeing this error while installing the product, then rename the service context root for service configuration %8 defined under the Application tab of application %9 and re-deploy it. If you are seeing this error in TIBCO Administrator UI, then simply rename the service context root for service configuration %10 defined under the Application tab of application %11.
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000013:  [%1][%2] Service configuration %3 in application %4 has multiple service instances configured for deployment in one or more servlet engines, which is not supported. Please go to the application %5 in the TIBCO Administrator UI and delete the extra service instances for service configuration %6, so that there is only one service instance.
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000014:  [%1][%2] Service configuration %3 in application %4 does support multiple service instances, but it has been configured for deployment multiple times in the same servlet engine, which is not supported. Please go to the application %5 in the TIBCO Administrator UI and delete the redundant service instances for service configuration %6.
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000015:  [%1][%2] Application %3 has %4 [service configuration name = %5] and %6 [service configuration name = %7], which are configured for deployment in two different servlet engines. Please make sure that these two services are always co-located.
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000016:  [%1][%2] %3 [service configuration name = %4] in application %5 is disabled. Please enable it and make sure that it is co-located with %6 [service configuration name = %7].
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000017:  [%1][%2] %3 [service configuration name = %4] in application %5 is removed from the servlet engine. Please re-add it and make sure that it is co-located with %6 [service configuration name = %7].
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000018:  [%1][%2] PPS Portlet Application Service [service configuration name = TIBCOpas_pps.war] does not exist in application %3. Please include TIBCOpas_pps.war in the application and make sure that it is co-located with %4 [service configuration name = %5].
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000019:  [%1][%2] Application %3 has %4 [service configuration name = %5] and %6 [service configuration name = %7], which are either configured for deployment in two different servlet engines or %8 [service configuration name = %9] is removed from the servlet engine. Please make sure that these two services are always co-located.
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000020:  [%1][%2] %3 [service configuration name = %4] in application %5 is disabled. Please enable it and make sure that it is co-located with %6 [service configuration name = %7].
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000021:  [%1][%2] Shared Template Application Service does not exist in application %3. Please include the appropriate Shared template Application Service archive in the application and make sure that it is co-located with %4 [service configuration name = %5].
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-000022:  [%1][%2] This is a warning: Server service %3 [service configuration name = %4] in application %5 is non-default and it is not explicitly bound to any client service. This means this server service will not be visible to any other client service. If this configuration is intentional then please ignore this warning, otherwise either set the "Default Service" setting under the Advanced tab of the server service to true OR explicitly add the client service binding to the server service through the "Client Service Bindings" tab.
Role:  errorRole

[PSVAL-000023] [Validation] This is a warning: The hawk agent deploys timeout for administration domain is set to 600. This value is less than the recommended value of 3600. Please increase this value by modifying java.property.tra_deploy_timeout property in <admin-domain>/administrator/domain/<domain-name>/bin/tibcoadmin_<domain-name>.tra file. After changing this value please restart the TIBCO Administrator. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in deployment failure or runtime issues. If you are seeing this warning while installing the product, then it will be displayed only once.
Role:  errorRole

PSANTTASK-000024:  [%1][%2] IIS Server [name = %3, port = %4] is not running. Please start it.
Role:  errorRole

PSVAL-0000025:  [%1][%2] %3 Servlet engine [name = %4, port = %5] is not running on machine %6. Please start it.
Role:  errorRole
Resolution:  Start the servlet engine.


What are the deployment validation code and their resolutions?