What is the Object Service Broker SVC used for in z/OS and how can I make sure that it is installed correctly ?

What is the Object Service Broker SVC used for in z/OS and how can I make sure that it is installed correctly ?


Article ID: KB0088474


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Object Service Broker for z/OS -
Not Applicable -


The Object Service Broker type 3 SVC is used to implement services for functions such as:
  * provide password encryption services
  * support FORCE CANCELUSER command processing
  * create SMF z/OS records for performance and accounting purposes
  * support authorized processing in certain environments for TCP/IP
in Execution Environments (EEs)executing within a z/OS mainframe environment.

z/OS environments running Execution Environments such as Native Execution Environments (NEEs), batch and CICS/TS Execution Environments.

Determining if the SVC is Installed Correctly:
The SVC can be installed dynamically or statically. If you install the SVC dynamically, successful installation of the SVC will be accompanied by the message:
  S6BSI001I Type 3 SVC number 213 install successful, Version: V520E102

Static SVC installation steps are outlined in the "TIBCO® Object Service Broker for z/OS Installing and Operating 5.2.0 manual, section "Installing the TIBCO Object Service Broker SVC".

Despite how the SVC is installed, successful installation will be shown when an Execution Environment initializes and you have specified the appropriate SVC number in the Object Service Broker EECONFIG parameter SVC=### in CNTL members: PARMBAT PARMCICS PARMDC PARMNEE PARMTSO (for batch, CICS, IMS/TM, Native Execution Environments and TSO respectively). To instantiate the specification, you must run the EECONFIG job for each EE environment you require.

The message you will see when running your EE and the SVC is installed and configured correctly will appear in the JES log for the EE:
   S6BDR053I EE SVC ###(xx) validated, Version: V5R0M0016 Level: 00 000000

If you have difficulty using the SVC and suspect a problem with the installation, you can use TSO TEST to view the SVC code as installed. Here are the steps:
1) logon to TSO on the z/OS complex you have installed the SVC
2) start TSO TEST by keying into ISPF option 6 (ISPF Command Shell):  TSOEXEC TEST 'SYS1.LINKLIB(IEFBR14)'
3) type in a command such as:
      l 10.?+c8?+84?+xxxx?  len(80) xc
   and press ENTER

   where "xxxx" = HEX(8 * SVC#). For example, if you had installed the TIBCO Object Service Broker for z/OS SVC using SVC number 213, then "xxxx" would be HEX(8*213) or HEX(1704) or hexadecimal 6A8. The TSO TEST command would then be:
    l 10.?+c8?+84?+6a8?  len(80) xc
and the information displayed would be something like:
01F12280.  47F0605C 01F12280 5CC5E8C5 60C3C1E3  *.0-*.1..*EYE-CAT*  00000000
            C3C8C5D9 7AD4C9E2 E2C9E2E2 C1E4C7C1  *CHER:MISSISSAUGA*          
01F122A0.  5C40C8D9 D5E2E5C3 F0F340F0 F761F2F7  ** HRNSVC03 07/27*          
            61F1F040 F1F24BF5 F740E5F5 F2F0C5F1  */10 12.57 V520E1*          
01F122C0.  F0F24040 40404040 40404040 40404040  *02              *          

4) type END and press ENTER key to exit TSO TEST.

The literal "HRNSVC03" identifies this routine as the TIBCO Object Service Broker for z/OS SVC and is followed by date, version and release information. If you do not see this type of information displayed, either the correct SVC has not been installed, you are on the wrong z/OS image or the SVC has been installed under a different SVC number. Product SVC numbers, specified by the Execution Environment HURONSVC= parameter must be between 200 and 255 inclusive. Check that the correct SVC number has been specified in your CNTL(EECONFIG) parameter member for the environments using the SVC number.

IBM MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference
TIBCO® Object Service Broker for z/OS Installing and Operating Software Release 5.2.0
TIBCO® Object Service Broker Parameters Software Release 5.2.0


What is the Object Service Broker SVC used for in z/OS and how can I make sure that it is installed correctly ?