TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BusinessWorks Plugin for SWIFTNet - FIN would cause the ClassNotFoundException during the deployed BW process starting up in the specified ActiveMatrix Node environment.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BusinessWorks Plugin for SWIFTNet - FIN would cause the ClassNotFoundException during the deployed BW process starting up in the specified ActiveMatrix Node environment.


Article ID: KB0088776


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BusinessWorks Plugin for SWIFTNet - FIN would cause the ClassNotFoundException during the deployed BW process starting up in the specified ActiveMatrix Node environment.

Linux platform
TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT 5.7.0
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks(TM) 5.7.1
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Grid 2.2.1

We deployed a Service Assembly that was using SWIFT activities (render, parse and route) into ActiveMatrix environment, but it failed while starting. We got the java.lang.ClassNotFoundException for classes corresponding to the SWIFT activities.

From our investigation, we noted that the property "tibco.env.CUSTOM_EXT_PREPEND_CP" defined in the bwengine.tra file is using ":" as the separator of each path entry. This seems fine and theoretically should work, but seems like when the process is deployed in the Administrator, it doesn't like the ":" as path separator somehow.

In order to resolve this issue, we can replace the ":" with %PSP% which is already defined to be ":" in the bwengine.tra file; after that, the ClassNotFound error should be disappeared.


TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BusinessWorks Plugin for SWIFTNet - FIN would cause the ClassNotFoundException during the deployed BW process starting up in the specified ActiveMatrix Node environment.