Article ID: KB0088335
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If you redeploy an existing process in TIBCO Business Studio, although the original version of the process may be displayed, when you try to start a new instance of the original process, the instance fails to start. Additionally, all outstanding work items from the original process is purged and all the data is lost.
NOTE: See attached document that includes graphical images for some of the following steps.
1. In TIBCO Business Studio, modify the original process as required.
2. If your project contains a process with a Start Via a Web Service, then the participant endpoint must be changed to a unique name that has not been previously deployed.
3. Select Project > Clean to clean the project.
4. Redeploy the project by right-clicking it and selecting Export > Export Distributed Application Archive (DAA) Export.
To upload the DAA to TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM, do the following:
1. Log into to TIBCO Administrator.
2. Click Applications.
3. Click New. The Set up an application dialog is displayed.
4. In the Application Name box, type a unique name for your new
5. Select Upload a DAA file and click Next.
6. Browse to the location of the DAA you previously saved and click Next.
The Let’s review your application’s setup information dialog is displayed.
7. Click Done with Application Setup. The Distribution tab is selected and
the Tell us how you would like to distribute your application dialog is
8. Select Using Product Application and click Next The Tell us which
product application to distribute your application to dialog is
9. Select and click Next.
10. Select Deploy application.
If the deploy fails it is likely that one of the endpoint bindings failed to
start, any failed bindings can be manually started.
Redeploying an Existing Process in TIBCO Business Studio Fails.