TIBCO iProcess Engine background (BG) processes are suspended after installing the TIBCO iProcess Technology Plug-ins

TIBCO iProcess Engine background (BG) processes are suspended after installing the TIBCO iProcess Technology Plug-ins


Article ID: KB0088374


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) -
Not Applicable -



After installing the TIBCO iProcess Technology Plug-ins, the BG processes are suspended on start-up.


o TIBCO iProcess Engine Oracle 10g RedHat Linux
o TIBCO iProcess Technology Plug-in
o Applicable to all versions of the TIBCO iProcess Technology Plug-in

The TIBCO iProcess Engine background processes are suspended on start-up.


BG debug was enabled on one BG process using:
swadm set_attribute 1 BG 1 DEBUG ALL=255

The BG debug log file contained the following:
[T=4113016512]100708031110.086518:c004: proEAI_Init(): Done - ONE OR MORE EAI plug-ins FAIELD to load or initialise successfully.
[T=4113016512]100708031110.086553:c001: CPLProcessInit (): proEAI layer failed to initialise, error=0
[T=4113016512]100708031110.086609:T004: ==> sw_term_msg (2)
[T=4113016512]100708031110.086643:T004: <== sw_term_msg () = 1
[T=4113016512]100708031110.086676:c008:   <==CPLProcessInit() = -2
[T=4113016512]100708031110.086723:T001: BGMBD_Init: Unable to initialise Case Processing. rc:-2
[T=4113016512]100708031110.086757:T004: <== Exiting BGMBD_Init
[T=4113016512]100708031110.086798:T001: NonTux: BGMBD_Init failed. RetStatus = -2

The BG process was suspended as an EAI Plug-in failed to load.
When the Technology Plug-in is loaded, the background processes create a JVM to initialize all Java related plug-ins.

The EAIJAVA log file contained the following exception:
2010-07-08 03:11:09,934 [ERROR]b0e4c56e70b49696000000d7001a626f SWEAIJavaClassLoader - Unable to initialise JMX

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at com.staffware.eaijava.bootstrap.library.SWEAIJavaClassLoader.initialiseJMX(SWEAIJavaClassLoader.java:443)
    at com.staffware.eaijava.bootstrap.library.SWEAIJavaClassLoader.initialize(SWEAIJavaClassLoader.java:339)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: port out of range:68153
    at java.net.InetSocketAddress.&ltinit>(Unknown Source)
    at java.net.Socket.&ltinit>(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.proxy.RMIDirectSocketFactory.createSocket(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.proxy.RMIMasterSocketFactory.createSocket(Unknown Source)
    at com.staffware.eaicommon.runtime.library.jmx.SWJMXUtils.initialiseRMI(SWJMXUtils.java:182)
    at com.staffware.eaicommon.runtime.library.jmx.SWJMXUtils.initialiseListenerSystem(SWJMXUtils.java:353)
    at com.staffware.eaicommon.runtime.library.jmx.SWJMXUtils.initialise(SWJMXUtils.java:319)

The exception indicates that the TIBCO iProcess BusinessWorks Server Plug-in was configured to use a JMX port of 68153 which is out of the valid range.


Amend the JMX Port configuration to use a valid port number (less than 65535) and restart the TIBCO iProcess Engine.
The port is configured in the $SWDIR/eaijava/jmxconfig.properties file.


TIBCO iProcess Engine background (BG) processes are suspended after installing the TIBCO iProcess Technology Plug-ins