Installing TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 or TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.2 after installing TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0, throws an error that the base version TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0 is not installed.
Article ID: KB0088707
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition
Not Applicable
Description: Description: =========
Installing TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 or TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.2 after installing TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0, throws an error that the base version TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0 is not installed.
Environment: ==========
o TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0 GA release
o TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 GA release
o TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.2 GA release
o All OS
Symptoms: =========
If you install TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0 and try to install TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 or 3.0.2 release then it throws an error of "TIBINS203801: Error: TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Suite 3.0 is not already installed on this system."
Cause: ===== Please check if you have installed TIBCO BusinessEvents 4.0 or later version on the same machine. If so this is due to a limitation on the Installer that you cannot install a product with lower version after installing the latest version of the product.
Resolution: =========
You need to uninstall TIBCO BusinessEvents 4.0, and install the TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0, then install TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 or 3.0.2, as this is the clean and reccomended approach. Symptoms:
Installing TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 or TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.2 after installing TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0, throws an error that the base version TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0 is not installed.