Warning Message in Custom RTDaq log, “WARNING: Lock identifier truncated to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12" “
Article ID: KB0086255
Updated On:
TIBCO SmartSockets Product Family
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description = = = = = = Node name of host where RTserver resides increased to > 25 characters. RTDaq (RTclient) using the new host name in its server_names list and protocol set to “local” results in the RTclient issuing the warning: WARNING: Lock identifier truncated to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1"
OS = = Unix
Resolution = = = = = = This is the result of the RTdaq trying to use the “local” protocol in order to connect to the RTserver. Using the “local” protocol the client must build a file descriptor to identify the UNIX pipe and because of the length of the new node name exceeds a 25 character limit, the new node_name string gets truncated.
The “local” protocol was made available when RTworks was first developed in order to provide a higher performance IPC mechanism on UNIX machines. With the improvements to the TCP protocol over the years, the “local” protocol has become obsolete. You can prevent the RTdaq from trying to use the “local” protocol by editing the rtdaq.cm file. In the .cm file you will find the line:
setopt default_protocols local,tcp
To prevent RTdaq from trying to use the “local” protocol, edit the line to read as follows:
setopt default_protocols tcp
Doing so will eliminate the warning.
Warning Message in Custom RTDaq log, “WARNING: Lock identifier truncated to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12" “