Why are jndi:context and jms:connectionFactory elements not included in the WSDL file generated from TEMS project

Why are jndi:context and jms:connectionFactory elements not included in the WSDL file generated from TEMS project


Article ID: KB0086251


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Products Versions
TIBCO EMS Transport Channel for WCF -
Not Applicable -


The jndi:context and jms:connectionFactory elements are not generated within the WSDL file generated from TEMS project.


The content of the &ltjndi:context> element depends on the value set for the TemsTransportBindingElement ContextJNDI property. If the property is null, the element is omitted.

The content of the &ltjms:connectionFactory> element depends on the value set for the TemsTransportBindingElement ConnectionFactory property. If the property is null the element is omitted.

If you have ContextJNDI and ConnectionFactory property defined, those elements are still not included. Make sure you have done the following in the TEMS project:

1). The Web.config TemsTransport messageProtocol must be set to TIBCOSoapOverJMS2004 to have these three WSDL elements exported:

                                - jndi:context
                                - jms:connectionFactory
                                - jms:targetAddress

2) The connectionFactory must be an Administrated type:

                                - TIBCO.EMS.FederatedConnectionFactory
                                - TIBCO.EMS.FederatedQueueConnectionFactory
                                - TIBCO.EMS. FederatedTopicConnectionFactory

   obtained via a JNDI lookup to be included in the WSDL element:

                                - jms:connectionFactory

With the above changed the WSDL will output something like this:
&ltwsdl:service name="TemsTest">
    &ltwsdl:port name="TemsWSDLExport.TemsTest_EMS" binding="tns:TemsWSDLExport.TemsTest_EMS">
        &ltsoap12:address location="net.tems://localhost:7222/queue/TemsWSDLExportTest"/>
            &ltjndi:property name="java.naming.provider.url"&gttibjmsnaming://localhost:7222</jndi:property>
            &ltjndi:property name="java.naming.security.credentials"/>
            &ltjndi:property name="java.naming.security.principal"/>
            &ltjndi:property name="TIBCO.EMS.provider.url"&gttibjmsnaming://localhost:7222</jndi:property>
            &ltjndi:property name="TIBCO.EMS.security.credentials"/>
            &ltjndi:property name="TIBCO.EMS.security.principal"/>
        &ltjms:targetAddress destination="queue"&gtTemsWSDLExportTest</jms:targetAddress>


Why are jndi:context and jms:connectionFactory elements not included in the WSDL file generated from TEMS project