The message"BW-EXT-LOG-300002 SCHEDULED TASK: Skip due scheduled Task[nnnn] for trading partner name" is observed in the BusinessConnect log.
Article ID: KB0085750
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessConnect
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: ============ The message "BW-EXT-LOG-300002 SCHEDULED TASK: Skip due scheduled Task[nnnn] for <trading partner name>" is observed in the BusinessConnect log.
Environment: ========== BuinessConnect EDI Protocol 5.2 and above
Cause: ========= This issue is caused by changing of Scheduled Transmission settings in a trading host-trading partner BusinessAgreement after some transactions were scheduled (for batch) with an old configuration.
Resolution: ========= These tasks will be executed once the next time window (according to current settings) comes, and these messages will stop appearing.
The message"BW-EXT-LOG-300002 SCHEDULED TASK: Skip due scheduled Task[nnnn] for trading partner name" is observed in the BusinessConnect log.