TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Adapter for Files (Unix/Win) (FA) 6.0 installation packages are suit installers and does not support recording of component selection of sub products from the response file. The response file created does not contain any information about selection done at the component level for FA. This limitation is documented in the Installation Guide as well.
In this case, a modified response file for a specific customer environment is suggested. Follow these steps:
1). Edit the contents of the response file to include:
-W TIBCOLicensePanel.selection=1
-W TIBCOInstallerTypePanel.installType=custom
-W TIBCOProductsToInstallPanel.selectedIndexes=0,1
-SP adfiles.designtime.active=false
-SP adfiles.palette.active=false
-SP adfiles.samples.active=false
2). Put the modified response file in the /tmp folder.
3). Run the installer using the syntax:
./ <FAInstaller> -options /tmp/adfiles_rsp.txt