When migrating a backing store schema from TIBCO BusinessEvents 2.x or TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 HF2 and prior, to TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 HF3 and later versions, the be-oradeploy tool generates the warning, "String length reduced from xxx to 255" .

When migrating a backing store schema from TIBCO BusinessEvents 2.x or TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 HF2 and prior, to TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 HF3 and later versions, the be-oradeploy tool generates the warning, "String length reduced from xxx to 255" .


Article ID: KB0086129


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
Not Applicable -




When using the be-oradeploy tool to migrate the backing store schema from TIBCO BusinessEvents 2.x or TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 HF2 and prior, to TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 HF3 and later versions,  the be-oradeploy tool generates the warning,  "String length reduced from xxx to 255" . Why is this restriction enforced in newer releases and is it necessary to change the length to 255 characters?



   o TIBCO Business Events 2.x, 3.x and 4.x versions.



The warnings generated in the xxx_alter.sql regarding string length reduction are generated as comments and will not stop you from running the alter script.

For performance reasons, the default string length was reduced for any entity created in future, post HF3 versions. Oracle does not allow reducing lengths of strings in Types so there is no automatic way or tool to port their existing string data into a 255 character size schema. If the current performance is fine with existing string lengths, then there is no need to worry much about reducing them.


When migrating a backing store schema from TIBCO BusinessEvents 2.x or TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 HF2 and prior, to TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.1 HF3 and later versions, the be-oradeploy tool generates the warning, "String length reduced from xxx to 255" .