Deploying the inference engine and cache server using TIBCO Administrator.
Article ID: KB0090154
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: ========= Deploying the inference engine and cache server using TIBCO Administrator.
Environment: ========== BusinessEvents 3.x All OS
Symptoms: =========
Cause: ======
Reference: ========== "Chapter 26 Deploytime Configuration : Customizing the List of Properties on the Advanced Tab" in BE user's guide.
Resolution: =========
All the relavant properties of the inference engine and cache server need to be added to the be-engine.xml file which is under: %TIBCO_HOME%\be\3.0\lib\com\tibco\deployment.
<property> <name></name> <default></default> <description>Cluster Name</description> </property> <property> <name></name> <default></default> <description>Cluster Address</description> </property> <property> <name></name> <default></default> <description>Time-to-live setting for multicast packets</description> </property> <property> <name>be.engine.cluster.multiEngineOn</name> <default></default> <description>Multi-engine mode (true or false)</description> </property> <property> <name>be.engine.cluster.minCacheServers</name> <default></default> <description>Number of cache servers to be up and running before the other agents start up and the data is loaded from backing store if backing store is configured. Default is 1</description> </property> <property> <name></name> <default></default> <description>Configure a node as a storage node or inference agent/query agent only</description> </property> <property> <name>Agent.<agentgroup>.maxActive</name> <default></default> <description>Number of active inference agents. In single engine mode this property is ignored and its default to 1</description> </property> <property> <name>Agent.<agentgroup>.priority</name> <default></default> <description>Agent priority</description> </property> <property> <name>Agent.<agentgroup>.key</name> <default></default> <description>Agent name or key</description> </property>
Please note that (Agent.<agentgroup>.maxActive, Agent.<agentgroup>.priority and Agent.<agentgroup>.key) is set using the agent group name that is set in the BAR of the designer.
Open the designer and configure the BAR and EAR and build the EAR file. Then in the admin GUI, do the following:
1). Create 2 (1- inference and 1- cache server) by uploading the above EAR file.
2). To view the properties that you have set in the be-engine.xml, expand Application Management > application_name > Configuration >, and then click the Advanced tab. Both applications will have the same set of properties that are used in the be-engine.xml file.
3). The relavant values for these properties can be populated in each of the applications.
Deploying the inference engine and cache server using TIBCO Administrator.