NullPointerException on Administrator Console when selecting UDDI Servers Console and clicking the Add button.

NullPointerException on Administrator Console when selecting UDDI Servers Console and clicking the Add button.


Article ID: KB0089008


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TIBCO Administrator -
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NullPointerException on Administrator Console when selecting UDDI Servers Console and clicking the Add button.

TIBCO Runtime Agent(TRA) 5.6.x ,TIBCO Administrator 5.6.x

We get get following Null Pointer Expection Exception on Adminnistrator.log when we try to add UDDI Server .
YYYY MON DD hh:mm:ss GMT -x Error [DBEntityStore] AESDKJ-0000 [http-8080-Processor14]  Getting attributes with SQL: SELECT * FROM PDEntityStoreConfiguration WITH (ROWLOCK)    WHERE  mName='Uddi_App_Domain'
2010 Oct 13 15:13:15:652 GMT -3 Error [Administrator] AESDKJ-0000 [http-8080-Processor14]  java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.tibco.uddi.appdomain.UddiAppDomain.getMutableAppDomain(
    at com.tibco.uddi.console.UddiServersListPane.if(
    at com.tibco.uddi.console.UddiServersListPane.access$000(
    at com.tibco.uddi.console.UddiServersListPane$3.actionPerformed(
    at com.tibco.wfc.AbstractComponent.notifyListeners(
    at com.tibco.wfc.AbstractComponent.fireActionPerformed(
Check if Application  Domain with Name =Uddi_App_Domain is present under Tibco Administrator Console --> Application Domain. If not present create an Application Domain with Name =Uddi_App_Domain.

E.g. of Application Domain entries
Domain Name  Uddi_App_Domain  
Domain Type  Database  
JDBC Driver  
Database DSN  jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:oracle://&ltMachine>:1521;SID=&ltSID>
Database Username    
Database Password  
Min Connections    =5
Max Connections    =100
Table Prefix    = PA

After creating an Application Domain, restart Hawk and Admin and  try creating a new UDDI server .


NullPointerException on Administrator Console when selecting UDDI Servers Console and clicking the Add button.