Resolution: Description: ============ During initialization of TIBCO Object Service Broker for all z/OS data object broker regions, execution environments and gateways, a communications failure may be incurred if the TCP/IP communications component has not been properly configured.
Environment: ============ * z/OS * TCP/IP not configured correctly
Symptoms: ========= The message: S6BRE006E RELAY parameter file dynamic allocation error; errccode=5896 infocode=2 will be issued and appear on the job's JES log and z/OS system console log.
Cause: ====== A DYNALLOC SVC 99 request to dynamically allocate the TCP/IP XML configuration dataset has failed. The dynamic allocation (SVC 99) errccode=5896 is the decimal equivalent of x'1708' which indicates according to IBM manual "z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide" that one of the following occurred: * The data set name specified is in error. (program error) * A system error occurred when processing the data set name.
Resolution: ========= Ensure that the correct data set name and optionally member name was specified for the TCP/IP XML configuration file. You can use the JCL member USERMODD to customize the dataset name used by the TCP/IP Relay communications component of TIBCO Object Service Broker for z/OS. See the "TIBCO® Object Service Broker for z/OS Installing and Operating Software Release 5.2.0" section "Appendix B: Configuring TCP/IP" for information on this customization.
As a temporary bypass you may also add the following DD statements to the Object Service Broker job or started tasks steps using Object Service Broker: 1) to disable TCP/IP communications component for this job step: //S6BRELAY DD DISP=SHR,DSN=NULLFILE /* DISABLE TCPIP COMMUNICATIONS */
2) instruct TCP/IP communications component to use this XML TCP/IP dataset for this job step: //S6BRELAY DD DISP=SHR,DSN=$HLQNONV$.$SLQ$.RELAYCFG /* USE THIS TCPIP CONFIG DS */
References: ========== TIBCO® Object Service Broker for z/OS Installing and Operating Software Release 5.2.0 IBM z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide