What is the subject naming convention for _INBOX subjects?

What is the subject naming convention for _INBOX subjects?


Article ID: KB0094245


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Rendezvous -
Not Applicable -


The _INBOX subject naming convention is undocumented as the format is subject to change. In RV 8.2.2, the INBOX subject name structure has changed. Previously, the INBOX name could be interpreted as:

_INBOX.<IP_of_daemon>.<clientpid_appendedTo_creationTimeoOfTransport_appendedTo_transportInternal number>

However since version 8.2.2, the client PID is not the first part of the second component of the _INBOX name. The value is now: 

_INBOX.<IP_of_daemon>.< creationTimeoOfTransport_appendedTo_internalClientID>

We do not have any further specific information on the current format.  


What is the subject naming convention for _INBOX subjects?