WARNING: A duplicate connection with same client id (clientid=xxxxxx) detected, destroying old conn (conn-id=nnnnnnn)
Article ID: KB0094220
Updated On:
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: = = = = = = WARNING: A duplicate connection with same client id (clientid=xxxxxx) detected, destroying old conn (conn-id=nnnnnnn)
If the client application is using a Fault Tolerant (FT) URL, the EMS Server will maintain the connection information until either the ft_reconnect_timeout elapses, the client explicitly closes the connection, or the connection is deleted from the admin tool.
If the client recreates the connection while the EMS server retains the connection information, the warning message will be seen. Regardless of the warning, the new connection should be created and the warning message can be ignored. Before EMS 5.0.0, the client application would not be able to reconnect to the EMS server and the message “clientId already exists” would be thrown.
Environment: = = = = = = = All
WARNING: A duplicate connection with same client id (clientid=xxxxxx) detected, destroying old conn (conn-id=nnnnnnn)