In a multi-engine BusinessConnect (BC) instance, the primary and standby engines of a BC fault tolerant cluser continually activate and deactivate during the day.

In a multi-engine BusinessConnect (BC) instance, the primary and standby engines of a BC fault tolerant cluser continually activate and deactivate during the day.


Article ID: KB0084596


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In a multi-engine BusinessConnect (BC) instance, the primary and standby engines of a BC fault tolerant cluser continually activate and  deactivate during the day.  What can cause this?

TIBCO BusinessConnect Protocol 5.X.X all versions

The Fault Tolerance (FT)  heartbeat messages are getting "lost" on your RV network.  

The FT messages are sent and received on the RV network specified under the "Fault Tolerance" tab of the par file under Administrator&gtApplication Management&gtBusinessConnect&gtConfiguration&gtInteriorServer.par&gtFault Tolerance tab.  If you are not using a multicast network specification in the "Network" parameter, consider configuring this parameter to use one.  Instructions for how set this parameter are in the Rendezvous manual set.


In a multi-engine BusinessConnect (BC) instance, the primary and standby engines of a BC fault tolerant cluser continually activate and deactivate during the day.