How can I use BusinessConnect 5.3.3 (BC) with TRA 5.7.0 without a TIBCO-branded JDBC driver (TIbase.jar)?

How can I use BusinessConnect 5.3.3 (BC) with TRA 5.7.0 without a TIBCO-branded JDBC driver (TIbase.jar)?


Article ID: KB0085073


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect -
Not Applicable -


When I use BC 5.3.3 with TRA 5.7.0, the BC engine throws the exception:


error during start up.

TRA 5.7.0 with BC 5.3.x

The BC engine throws the following error when database checkpointing is used with BC.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/merant/datadirect/jdbc/extensions/ExtEmbeddedConnection

When database checkpointing (/Gateway/Shared/Engine/CheckpointDatabase) is used in Admin > Application Management > BC > Configuration > *Server.par > Advanced > TIBCO BusinessWorks Checkpoint Data Repository > Checkpoint Data Repository,  BC checks for the TIBCO-branded JDBC driver (TIBase.jar) in the TPCL libraries during start up, and throws the NoClassDefFoundError error when TIBase.jar is not present in \\tpcl\5.7\lib.


There are multiple options to address this issue.

1). You can use "Local File" for "Admin > Application Management > BC > Configuration > *Server.par > Advanced > TIBCO BusinessWorks Checkpoint Data Repository > Checkpoint Data Repository".

2). You can copy TIBase.jar from your previous TRA installation \\tibco\tpcl\5.6\jdbc directory to \\tpcl\5.7\lib.

3). If you don't have previous versions of the TIBCO-branded driver (TIBase.jar), then you can use the vendor-supplied native JDBC drivers.

For example. you can copy the JDBC native drivers (for JRE 1.6.0, ojdbc6.jar for  Oracle and sqljdbc4.jar for MS SQL Server) in to \\tibco\tpcl\5.7\lib.

During BC start up, you can verify what particular TIBase.jar/ojdbc6.jar/sqljdbc4.jar is loaded by enabling --debug mode by modifying the deployed BusinessConnect-*_Server.cmd/sh file below, and run it from command prompt/console.  This --debug option will log all the jar files loaded during BC start up.

"C:/tibco/bc/5.3/bin/bcengine.exe" --run --propFile "E:/tibco/tra/domain/p4-chendica/application/BusinessConnect/BusinessConnect-Single_Server.tra" --debug

If the TIBase.jar/ojdbc6.jar/sqljdbc4.jar file is not loaded for any reason, you can explicitly set the \\tpcl\5.7\lib path for variable "tibco.env.STD_EXT_CP" variable in BusinessConnect-*_Server.tra file. It is similar to the following and please note that the TPCL_HOME must be defined in the beginning of the BusinessConnect-*_Server.tra file.



How can I use BusinessConnect 5.3.3 (BC) with TRA 5.7.0 without a TIBCO-branded JDBC driver (TIbase.jar)?