TIBCO ActiveCatalog 1.0.1/1.1 is certified with CIM 8.1 hotfix3
Article ID: KB0085033
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveCatalog
Not Applicable
Description: TIBCO ActiveCatalog 1.0.1/1.1 is certified with CIM 8.1 hotfix3.
Install steps:
1. Existing AC 1.0.1/1.1 installation – they need to follow the steps given in the CIM 8.1.0 HF3 on top of existing AC 1.0.1/1.1 installation.
2. For new AC 1.0.1/1.1 installation –
a. Install CIM 8.1.0 and configure
b. Install AC 1.0.1/1.1 and run $AC_HOME/bin/accustomutil.sh (this will create the updated ECM.ear file under $MQ_HOME/customEAR directory)
c. Copy updated ECM.ear to $MQ_HOME from $MQ_HOME/customEAR
d. Then apply the CIM 8.1.0 hotfix 03 as per the readme of this hotfix (This should be done at last because there are common classes used between AC and CIM in this hotfix to address some issues, by having this as last step, about page will show CIM version instead of AC and there is no harm. If step b is done last the issues fixed in common classes will get open)
TIBCO ActiveCatalog 1.0.1/1.1 is certified with CIM 8.1 hotfix3