Why does the show topics/queues cursor feature return n-1 topics/queues when the first=n is specified?
Article ID: KB0084401
Updated On:
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: ========== The cursor will examine n topics/queues from the list of existing topics/queues and return only those matching the pattern supplied in the command.
show topics [pattern-name [notemp|static|dynamic] [first=n|next=n|last=n]] show queues [pattern-name [notemp|static|dynamic] [first=n|next=n|last=n]]
For example: ‘show topics TEST.> first=2’
And the following topics exist on the EMS server > TEST.1 TEST.2 TEST.3 TEST.4 TEST.5
EMS will take the first three existing topics and return from those it examines only those that match the pattern ‘TEST.>’.
Expected behaviour will be to take the first two topics (‘>’ and ‘TEST.1’) and return from these two those topic names which match pattern ‘TEST.>’, which will be ‘TEST.1’ only.
From the documentation: ----- “The cursor examines n topics and displays topics that match the pattern-name. Because it does not traverse the full list of topics, the cursor may return zero or fewer than n topics. To find all matching topics, continue to use next until you receive a Cursor complete message.” -----
Environment: =========== All
Why does the show topics/queues cursor feature return n-1 topics/queues when the first=n is specified?