Can BusinessEvents views be deployed to BE Monitoring and Management?

Can BusinessEvents views be deployed to BE Monitoring and Management?


Article ID: KB0094603


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
Not Applicable -


Can BusinessEvents views be deployed to BE Monitoring and Management?

Operating system: All
TIBCO BusinessEvents (BE) version: 4.x



Q 1).   With BE 4.x, is there a possibility to use the new component BE monitoring and management tool to deploy and monitor BE applications? Can this be used to deploy only BE standard applications or also BE views applications?  In the site topology config which is needed for this, it says in the documentation to use the BE standard home directory and the be-engine.tra file for BE standard.

We have a BE views appplication and not a BE standard application in our project. Do we specify in the Site toplogy config the BE views home directory in our case and not the BE standard path? Also do we specify the be-engine.tra property file or be-views.tra file .

In the example application shipped, in order to start on the command line it always uses the BE Views engine and not the BE standard engine. Also, the example always passes the be-views.tra and not the be.tra as an option.

Answer> Yes, BEMM can be used with BE views applications. You will have to select dashboard class in the Agent classes in the Project cdd as your PU(processing unit).

Sitetopology BE Home can be edited to point BE views home & be-views.tra but you need not edit the sitetopology as even with the BE-Home(be-engine.exe and be-engine.tra), BE views will work. Starting be-views project using be-engine.exe and be-engine.tra will successfully start and the dashboard can be accessed.

Q 2).  Futher in the site topplogy documentation it says that there are some JMX properties which are currently commented out in the be-engine.tra file and these need to be uncommented in order to use the BE Monitoring and management tool. I could see these properties in the BE.engine.tra file but not in the be-views.tra file. Will it simply work if I also add the JMX properties to the be-views.tra file as opposed to the be-engine.tra file?

Answer> You can use the be-engine.tra file. No need to the add/edit the JMX properties to be-views.tra file.

Q 3).  When we have a views application are we supposed to use be-views executables as opposed to be-engine and the be-views.tra file as opposed to the be-engine.tra file? Are be-engine exe and the be-engine.tra file simply not used for BE views applications?

Answer> be-views and be-engine executables are wrappers which read the respective .tra files and run the starter classes. In both the be-engine.tra and be-views.tra files the start class is the same(BEMain) and be-engine.exe, be-engine.tra file can be used to start BE Views applications.


Can BusinessEvents views be deployed to BE Monitoring and Management?