Insert into DBConcept tables are not successful.

Insert into DBConcept tables are not successful.


Article ID: KB0085228


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
Not Applicable -



Insert into DBConcept tables are not successful and the rule does not return when it tries to insert into DBConcept table.


TIBCO BusinessEvents (BE) 3.x / 4.x / 5.x release.


While using DBConcepts feature, the calls to Database.insert() are not always successful and the rule does not return from this call.

This is mostly due to the following reasons.

1). Improper locking in the BE project could result in a situation where a session has issued an update/delete and has not committed. Any subsequent session (like BE) will wait trying to update/delete the same subset of records unless the original session has taken a table lock in which case inserts will block as well.

2). This could also happen when a third party application (like SQLdeveloper or similar application) has issued an update/delete and has not committed.


Take a thread dump on the running BE engine and scan for the block in socket call. If you see a blocked thread on this call then check use your SQL query tools (like Sqldeveloper/sqlplus) to query on V$Session to find out the session status. If you see a session waiting for a row lock to be released on the table try to issue a commit from the client that is holding the lock to that table. You can also check with your Database Administrator (DBA) to track down the offending application and close it.


Insert into DBConcept tables are not successful.