TIBCO Rendezvous licensing and usage for TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) based products

TIBCO Rendezvous licensing and usage for TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) based products


Article ID: KB0085363


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) -
Not Applicable -



Starting with TIBCO Runtime Agent  5.7.1, Rendezvous is no longer packaged as part of TIBCO Runtime Agent. Customers need to download and install Rendezvous separately before installing TIBCO Runtime Agent. Customers who receive TIBCO Runtime Agent continue to get Rendezvous for the operational use of TIBCO Runtime Agent and TIBCO Runtime Agent based products such as BusinessWorks. These products present the embedded license to validate its connection to RVD. No other use of Rendezvous is permitted, customers cannot build Rendezvous based applications for example, unless they specifically license Rendezvous as well.

Refer SOL1-AV06NS for complete details on TIBCO Rendezvous licensing.


TIBCO Rendezvous licensing and usage for TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) based products