With TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.2 Hotfix 4 and Hotfix5, when a backing store is enabled, the engine is unable to reconnect to a JMS server after an outage

With TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.2 Hotfix 4 and Hotfix5, when a backing store is enabled, the engine is unable to reconnect to a JMS server after an outage


Article ID: KB0094426


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
Not Applicable -


With TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.2 Hotfix 4 and Hotfix5, when a backing store is enabled, the engine is unable to reconnect to a JMS server after an outage

BusinessEvents 3.0.2 Hotfix 4, Hotfix 5

With TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.2 Hotfix 4 and Hotfix5, when a backing store is enabled, the engine is unable to reconnect to a JMS server after an outage.

Reconnect property: be.jms.reconnect.timeout=30
The log file showed that be-engine tried to reconnect every 30 seconds, but failed to connect to the restarted EMS server.
2011 Sep 28 15:16:10:326 GMT +8 testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d Error [BE-JMSReconnector] - Reconnect failed attempt #1 for channel [/JMSChannel][Thread : ]BE-JMSReconnector
2011 Sep 28 15:16:42:862 GMT +8 testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d Error [BE-JMSReconnector] - Reconnect failed attempt #2 for channel [/JMSChannel][Thread : ]BE-JMSReconnector
2011 Sep 28 15:17:12:900 GMT +8 testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d Info [BE-JMSReconnector] - Connecting JMS Channel [/JMSChannel] Properties [JNDI=tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222 QCF=QueueConnectionFactory TCF=TopicConnectionFactory user= clientID=BE-JMSReconnect-testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d-/JMSChannel][Thread : BE-JMSReconnector][State]Reconnecting
2011 Sep 28 15:17:12:908 GMT +8 testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d Error [BE-JMSReconnector] - Reconnect failed attempt #3 for channel [/JMSChannel][Thread : ]BE-JMSReconnector
2011 Sep 28 15:17:42:933 GMT +8 testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d Info [BE-JMSReconnector] - Connecting JMS Channel [/JMSChannel] Properties [JNDI=tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222 QCF=QueueConnectionFactory TCF=TopicConnectionFactory user= clientID=BE-JMSReconnect-testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d-/JMSChannel][Thread : BE-JMSReconnector][State]Reconnecting
2011 Sep 28 15:17:42:939 GMT +8 testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d Error [BE-JMSReconnector] - Reconnect failed attempt #4 for channel [/JMSChannel][Thread : ]BE-JMSReconnector
2011 Sep 28 15:18:12:966 GMT +8 testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d Info [BE-JMSReconnector] - Connecting JMS Channel [/JMSChannel] Properties [JNDI=tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222 QCF=QueueConnectionFactory TCF=TopicConnectionFactory user= clientID=BE-JMSReconnect-testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d-/JMSChannel][Thread : BE-JMSReconnector][State]Reconnecting
2011 Sep 28 15:18:12:973 GMT +8 testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d Error [BE-JMSReconnector] - Reconnect failed attempt #5 for channel [/JMSChannel][Thread : ]BE-JMSReconnector
2011 Sep 28 15:18:42:986 GMT +8 testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d Info [BE-JMSReconnector] - Connecting JMS Channel [/JMSChannel] Properties [JNDI=tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222 QCF=QueueConnectionFactory TCF=TopicConnectionFactory user= clientID=BE-JMSReconnect-testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d-/JMSChannel][Thread : BE-JMSReconnector][State]Reconnecting
2011 Sep 28 15:18:42:990 GMT +8 testJMSR-hf4_bs_j2se_cs_d Error [BE-JMSReconnector] - Reconnect failed attempt #6 for channel [/JMSChannel][Thread : ]BE-JMSReconnector

This issue is related to encryption. Password encryption was added after Hotfix 3 was released.

To resolve the issue, add the following property to the designer.tra and be-engine.tra files:
java.property.TIBCO_SECURITY_VENDOR j2se

Then rebuild the EAR file and restart the engines.



With TIBCO BusinessEvents 3.0.2 Hotfix 4 and Hotfix5, when a backing store is enabled, the engine is unable to reconnect to a JMS server after an outage