How does Rule Agenda view in Debug Perspective work?

How does Rule Agenda view in Debug Perspective work?


Article ID: KB0084574


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TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
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How does Rule Agenda view in Debug Perspective work?

Operating Systems: ALL
BE Version: ALL

When a breakpoint in rule/rulefunction is hit, the execution of the rule/rulefunction is suspended. At this point, the variable view in Debug perspective displays values of all the variables in the scope. Similarly, Rule Agenda view displays rules to be executed from the rule agenda excluding the current rule where execution is suspended due to breakpoint.

For example: When Event1 is asserted into working memory, Rule1 executes which creates Concept1 instance. Rule2, Rule3 and Rule4 have Event1 and Concept1 in their scope and their conditions satisfies for the instance of Event1 and Concept1. If a breakpoint suspends execution in Rule2, Rule3 & Rule4 are displayed in the Rule Agenda view.

To know more about how Rule Agenda is build, refer to Run-time Inferencing Behavior : Understanding Conflict Resolution and Run to Completion Cycles in Architect's Guide.


How does Rule Agenda view in Debug Perspective work?