Is JBoss HornetQ officially supported by Tibco?

Is JBoss HornetQ officially supported by Tibco?


Article ID: KB0094625


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
Not Applicable -


According to the BW Release Notes, it states supporting  JMS Server: JBoss 3.2.1, 4.0.2, and 5.0. HornetQ is branched from JBoss Messaging 1.x, non-offically saying HornetQ is JBoss Messaging 2.x.  JBoss Messaging 1.x is embeded in JBoss application server in default. Therefore, Tibco only supports JBoss Messaging 1.x embeded in JBoss application server 3.2.1, 4.0.2, and 5.0.

HornetQ is developed based on JBoss Messaging 1.x code.  HornetQ can be running completely standalone and integrated in JBoss Application Server without any dependencies. We also see some customers applying HornetQ and can connect successfully. Refer to SOL1-BCW07M for more details on how to configure.

Overall, JBoss HornetQ is not officially supported by Tibco.


Is JBoss HornetQ officially supported by Tibco?