NullPointerException displayed when executing TIBCO TraUpgradeManage Utility

NullPointerException displayed when executing TIBCO TraUpgradeManage Utility


Article ID: KB0085322


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) -
Not Applicable -


NullPointerException displayed when executing TIBCO TraUpgradeManage Utility

Operating System(s): All
TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6 and lower

- The output from executing TraUpgradeManager™ (5.6 or lower) will be

./traUpgradeManager -path /tibco -jre /tibco/jre/1.6.0

WRAPPER - start method threw an exception
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.tibco.administrator.command.tool.TraUpgradeManager.a(
        at com.tibco.administrator.command.tool.TraUpgradeManager.main(

During TraUpgradeManager™(5.6 or lower) execution; the process will acquire the list of all installed TIBCO software (via the>). The utility will resolve (using InetAddress Java Class) the &lthost> part of the file by DNS or by reading the host file.

If the component can not find a proper> file then the temporary registry file( will be zero bytes.

- After setting up debug levels in Hawkagent.cfg; the following warning may be found in the Hawk.log

"HWKLMA-070403 C:\WINDOWS\> does not yet exist. Will try reopening it later"

If a domain exists (5.6 or lower) then setup extra trace levels in hawkagent.cfg (setting -tsm_traceLevel to -1).

The tsm.log will now contain the following entry:

"=== Inventory file: C:\WINDOWS\ hostname>"

Ensure that &ltresolved hostname> matches the entries in your host file and DNS server both in spelling and case. If it does not then update as required.

Additional notes:

Host file location:
- On Windows: C:/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
- On Linux/UNIX: /etc/host

If the host name is fine then check the dns entry
- nslookup host or (Windows/UNIX/Linux)
- or by ensuring /etc/nsswitch.conf contains "hosts: dns files" then ping the host (UNIX/Linux only)


NullPointerException displayed when executing TIBCO TraUpgradeManage Utility