Cleaning up accumulated subscriptions of inactive CM senders.
Article ID: KB0094604
Updated On:
TIBCO Rendezvous
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: ========================== A long-running CM listener program may accumulate state for a large number of obsolete CM senders. On the RVD side, you will see the subscriptions of those CM senders stay.
Environment: ==================== All
Resolution: ==================== Use TibrvCmTransport.setPublisherInactivityDiscardInterval(int timeout) to clean up the obsolete CM senders state including subscriptions.
The timeout value limits the time that can elapse during which such a sender does not send a message. When the elapsed time exceeds this limit, the listening transport declares the sender inactive and discards internal state corresponding to the sender.
We discourage programmers from using this call except to solve a very specific problem in which a long-running CM listener program accumulates state for a large number of obsolete CM senders with non-reusable names. Before using this call review every subject for which the CM transport has a listener and ensure that only CM senders with non-reusable names send to those subjects. (If senders with reusable names send messages to such subjects, the listening transport can discard their state and incorrect behavior may result.)
Cleaning up accumulated subscriptions of inactive CM senders.