Adding a custom HTTP Header in KPSA soaputil::SOAPMessage

Adding a custom HTTP Header in KPSA soaputil::SOAPMessage


Article ID: KB0084831


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Products Versions
TIBCO KPSA - Mobile -
Not Applicable -


This article explains how to add a custom HTTP header to HTTP request that contains soaputil::SOAPMessage.    

KPSA-3.5 application

1). Create httputil::Message request.

2). Add custom HTTP headers using the method addHeader().

3). Create soaputil::SOAPMessage.

4). Add this message to the http request using exportToXML() method.            

1). // Create HTTP message
    declare httputil::Message request;
    create request;

    // Set method

    // Set URI type to relative
    request.uriType = kablet::RelativeURI;    

2). //Add custom HTTP header
    request.addHeader("HEADER","this is the value of the added header");    
3). // Create SOAPMessage
    // Declare and create SOAPMessage      
    declare soaputil::SOAPMessage soapMessage;
    create soapMessage values (

    // Declare namespace consts
    declare string nsURI = "urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes";
    declare string nsPrefix = "n";

    // Declare and create SOAP message content elements and atributes
    // Elements
    declare xmlutil::Element getQuote;
    create getQuote values(

    declare xmlutil::Element symbol;
    create symbol values(

    // Connect hierarchy

    // Add NS declaration to the root element
    getQuote.addNamespaceDeclaration(nsURI, nsPrefix);
    // Add body element
4). // add the message to the request
    //get body of soapMessage          
    declare string body;
    //include body of soapMessage in HTTP request
    declare kablet::Part soapBody;
    create soapBody;
    soapBody.content = body;


Adding a custom HTTP Header in KPSA soaputil::SOAPMessage