How to assign multiple transports to the BC Gateway Service Instance.

How to assign multiple transports to the BC Gateway Service Instance.


Article ID: KB0084752


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TIBCO BusinessConnect -
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I would like to create one instance of the BusinessConnect Unified Gateway Server to handle multiple inbound types of transport, such as HTTP, FTP, File, etc.  How do I accomplish this?

TIBCO BusinessConnect™ 6.X.X all platforms

Follow these instructions:

1).  Start up the GatewayServer Container using the token that you created.

2).  After the empty container has been started, deploy some event sources on that container:

  - Create a GS Service (an public transport group)  using BusinessConnect&gtGateway >       Gateway Services&gtNew Provide GatewayServer Name

  - Select the type of Service (HTTP, File, PX, FTPS, etc. )

  - To Setup HTTP -> Select HTTP.  This is equivalent to configuring the HTTP Public Transport in BC 5.X.X

  - Make this Service Active
- Configure the required properties for HTTP

3). Similarly, you can create the same procedure descibed above to create a GS Service for File, PX, or FTPS.


How to assign multiple transports to the BC Gateway Service Instance.