How to simulate activity switches between TMA redundancy pairs in the lab.

How to simulate activity switches between TMA redundancy pairs in the lab.


Article ID: KB0084753


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TIBCO Messaging Appliance P-7500 -
Not Applicable -


The typical activity switches for the TIBCO Messaging Appliance P-7500 redundancy facility includes a failure activity switch and a recovery activity switch as stated in the TMA operation guide. In the lab we can simulate these two switches using TMA CLI.

1). Initially, each TMA system of the redundant pairs has one primary router active and backup server standby. Give an example of a pair of redundancy, TMA3 and TMA12. The status of redundancy are as follows before switching:

====================================================================== show redundancy

Configuration Status:  Enabled
Auto Revert:           Yes
VRRP Interface Status: Up

                               Primary CVRID          Backup CVRID
                               ---------------------  ---------------------
CSMP Virtual Router Id  
Activity Status                Local Active           Mate Active
VRRP Status                    Master                 Backup
Local Priority                 Active                 Standby
Primary Router       
VRRP Virtual Router Id         57                     23
Last Update Status             Ok                     Ok show redundancy

Configuration Status:  Enabled
Auto Revert:           Yes
VRRP Interface Status: Up

                               Primary CVRID          Backup CVRID
                               ---------------------  ---------------------
CSMP Virtual Router Id  
Activity Status                Local Active           Mate Active
VRRP Status                    Master                 Backup
Local Priority                 Active                 Standby
Primary Router       
VRRP Virtual Router Id         23                     57
Last Update Status             Ok                     Ok

2). Log on to the TMA system you want to switch activity out, say, TMA3, with user admin and enter the mode of router redundancy as follows:

======================================================================> enable config router redundancy

Enter "release-activity" to surrender activity to the mate router, TMA12, for all virtual router ids. The status of redundancy of TMA3 will become:

====================================================================== show redundancy

Configuration Status:  Released
Auto Revert:           No
VRRP Interface Status: Up

                               Primary CVRID          Backup CVRID
                               ---------------------  ---------------------
CSMP Virtual Router Id  
Activity Status                Mate Active            Mate Active
VRRP Status                    Backup                 Backup
Local Priority                 Release                Release
Primary Router       
VRRP Virtual Router Id         57                     23
Last Update Status             Ok                     Ok

3). Log on TMA12 as user admin and check the redundancy status as follows: ===================================================================== show redundancy

Configuration Status:  Enabled
Auto Revert:           Yes
VRRP Interface Status: Up

                               Primary CVRID          Backup CVRID
                               ---------------------  ---------------------
CSMP Virtual Router Id  
Activity Status                Local Active           Local Active
VRRP Status                    Master                 Master
Local Priority                 Active                 Active
Primary Router       
VRRP Virtual Router Id         23                     57
Last Update Status             Ok                     Ok

4). Next, to recover the activity on TMA3 enter "no release-activity" on TMA3, and the activity is returned back to TMA3. The redudancy status will revert to the initial one.

Note: if the "Auto Revert" is "No", it indicates the backup router won't automatically give up activity if primary router is ready to provide service. In our example, it means you have to run "auto-revert" on TMA2 to flip it to "yes". Otherwise, "no release activity" won't recover activity on TMA3.

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How to simulate activity switches between TMA redundancy pairs in the lab.