When running the swconfig –v command the message, 'Corrupt or Missing license file' is displayed.

When running the swconfig –v command the message, 'Corrupt or Missing license file' is displayed.


Article ID: KB0084777


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Process Engine (Classic) -
Not Applicable -


There may be a requirement to update the license information for Process Engine, for example, to amend the number of allowable concurrent users. In order to generate a new license the current license key is required and this can be obtained by using the SWDIR/util/swconfig –v command, where SWDIR is the installation directory of the TIBCO Process Engine. If there is a problem with the license file the message 'Corrupt or Missing license file' may be displayed.

All supported versions of TIBCO Process Engine.
All supported operating systems and databases.

Running the command, SWDIR/util/swconfig –v, reports the message 'Corrupt or Missing license file' rather the license information.

The license file, SWDIR/staff.dat has become corrupt. The license file is an encrypted file so cannot viewed by a text editor to establish the corruption.

If this problem occurs a new licence file must be created which can then be updated with a license key to provide the correct system configuration.

Perform the following steps to generate a new license.

1). Stop the TIBCO Process Engine (PE) and ensure no PE processes are running

2).  Rename the SWDIR/staff.dat file to SWDIR/taff.dat.corrupt or something similar.

3).  Run the following command to generate a new licence:

%SWDIR%\util\swconfig –n

4). Run the “swconfig –v” command to display the new demo license information.

5). Send new demo license information to the TIBCO Fulfillment team (fulfillment@tibco.com) who can provide the correct licence key to configure the system as require.

Note, in order for a new license key to affect the PE will have to be restarted.


When running the swconfig –v command the message, 'Corrupt or Missing license file' is displayed.