Symptoms: ========= The lock file will be part of the JRE installed by TIBCO. For example, /opt/tibco/tibcojre64/1.6.0/bin/java .
Cause: ===== The installer is trying to replace the TIBCO JRE and is trying to use the JRE at the same time. The message is designed to warn of such conflicts.
Resolution: ========= 1). Remove Tibco Java from the path if it is in the path. 2). Make sure JAVA_HOME or JDK_HOME is unset prior to running the installer. 3). Invoke the Installer so it uses its built in Java by adding "-is:noverifyjava true" when invoking the Installer.
TIBCO BusinessEvents (BE) 5.0.0 Upgrade to 5.0.1 fails with "WARNING: Locked Files".