Cause: ======= The classname for the workitem statemachine "WorkItem_SM" was not updated correctly in the OBJECTTABLE in the backing store (missing WorkItem).
Resolution: ========== As the WorkItem was missing and not updated correctly in the OBJECTTABLE, the classname would need to be changed from:
update objecttable set classname = 'be.gen.PEM.Concepts.WorkItem.WorkItem$WorkItem$WorkItem_SM' where classname = 'be.gen.PEM.Concepts.WorkItem$WorkItem$WorkItem_SM';
Use the following query to show the correct result in the backing store table.
select distinct t.classname from objecttable t
References: ========== This approach is customer project centric. Refer to section "Upgrade an Existing Backing Store Schema" within Chapter 15 JDBC Backing Store Setup in the Administrator's guide. This demonstrates the generic method that needs to be used when changing the project path.
Supporting old instances in the backing store when TIBCO BusinessEvents project path changes.