TIBCO EMS Transport Channel for WCF 1.2.0 known issues

TIBCO EMS Transport Channel for WCF 1.2.0 known issues


Article ID: KB0088606


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO EMS Transport Channel for WCF -
Not Applicable -


1).  WCF Applications using TEMS in IIS7 or IIS7.5 fail to run in a 64-bit application pool (i.e., Enable 32-bit Applications is false).

To run in a 64-bit Application Pool, you will need to manually configure the root web.config which can be found in

The entries that need to be added are described in the TEMS User Guide, Chapter 3 under the section called “TEMS Protocol Activator Configuration During Installation”

The installer should take care of doing this in the next release.

2).  WCF Applications using TEMS in IIS 7.5 fail to run.

IIS 7.5 application pools now default to running with identity of “ApplicationPoolIdentity”.  

To run TEMS/WAS on IIS 7.5,  the application pool identity must have access to the config files.  After following the instructions in the installation guide, “Network Service” already has access to the config files, changing the application pool identity to “Network Service” will resolve the permissions issue.  Alternately,  give the user for the ApplicationPoolIdentity read, execute, and list access to &ltwindir>\system32\inetsrv\config directory (note you may get a warning about not being able to change permissions on schema folder but can just ignore this and continue).  

Additional information on the ApplicatinPoolIdentity can be found at http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/624/application-pool-identities/.
This will be documented in the TEMS User guide.



TIBCO EMS Transport Channel for WCF 1.2.0 known issues