Windows Service for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) fails to start with “service specific Error” when the secondary configuration files are located on network mapped local drive. (e.g., z:\config\queues.conf).
Article ID: KB0088000
Updated On:
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: ============ Windows Service for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) fails to start with “service specific Error” when the secondary configuration files are located on network mapped local drive. (e.g., z:\config\queues.conf).
Environment: =========== Microsoft Windows
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (All versions)
Resolution: ==========
This is a complementary solution for SOL1-BCZUBW.
In the context of SOL1-BCZUBW, we are assuming that UNC path (e.g., \\shared\config) is used instead of a network mapped local drive. If the secondary configuration files are configured as z:\config\**.conf, the EMS Service will still fail to start as Windows Service with a "service specific Error".
To be able to use a local drive symbol in an EMS configuration file, use the following workaround
1). Get the sysinternal tool at
2). Navigate to the folder containing the SysinternalsSuite and execute the following command "psexec -i -s cmd.exe". You will be inside of a prompt that is "nt authority\system" and you can prove this by typing "whoami".
3). In the cmd window opened in step 2, issue the command "net use z: \\servername\sharedfolder /persistent:yes". By doing this you are creating the persistent mapped drive as the SYSTEM account which is the default account used to start a Windows service.
You will now be able to start EMS as Windows service. Note that there are drawbacks brought by this workaround. The mapped drive "z:" will be displayed as disconnected from Windows Explorer. Also the mapping will be invalid upon system restart.
Windows Service for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) fails to start with “service specific Error” when the secondary configuration files are located on network mapped local drive. (e.g., z:\config\queues.conf).