<logger name="bw.mylogger"> <level value ="INFO"/> <appender-ref ref="NTEvent"/> </logger> ----------------------
The logger and appender were named “bw.mylogger” and “NTEvent” separately.
2). Download log4j from http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/ . Unzip the file and copy NTEventLogAppender.dll to %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32 .
Also attached is the file NTEventLogAppender.dll and we recommend you download yourself.
3). See the attached demo project.
Note: The default event ID is 4096. It appears there is no way to modify it. As an alternative, the Windows command “eventcreate” can be used along with "External Command" activity.
How to write to the Windows event log from BW through log4j.
How to write to the Windows event log from BW through log4j.